Be Bella Mat Class
Be Bella Pilates Floor Work is a Pilates-based class that will allow you to powerfully connect with your body’s natural and innate intelligence to develop strength, mobility and an efficient core.
Using the floor, gravity and props as dynamic partners makes this workout really efficient, strengthening and something so good that you will begin to crave it as your body becomes strong and beautiful.
Feeling connected, present and safe in your own body will allow for more movement, strength and wellbeing in your body and life.
Small Group Be Bella Pilates Class at 5Point Pt
April Series
Our 5Point small group classes will allow space for individual attention
Benefits of the class:
• Feel safe to move
• Connect with your body and breath
• Create an efficient powerful core and long strong muscles
• Melt tension away from shoulders and lower back
• Link pleasure to movement
• Gain a dynamic effortless posture that is going to make you feel beautiful and energized in your everyday life
Class series begin Monday April 6th from 6:00pm-7:15pm